1 year subscription: Rising Star Bundle
1 year subscription: Rising Star Bundle
1 teacher license + 25 student devices
An annual subscription to the Classplash World-of-Music apps. Rhythmic Village & Flute Master Premium Apps + 5 additional apps like Cornelius Composer for schools, the World of Music Apps Launcher, Astro Whacker and 2 apps for pre-schoolers. You will get ONE master license which you can activate 26 times.
Let your music astronauts explore percussion instruments, body percussion, soprano recorders, boomwhackers, drumming, rhythm, melody, reading and composing.
For more information please visit this page: Classplash WoM Page
If you need more than 25 licenses, you can add them for only $1/year for each additional device.
Please request additional device licences in an email to support@nawmal.com