Creation of animated characters and videos can enable and encourage communication and self-expression.

nawmal offers simplified creation of animated characters so everyone can create what they want to share.
Easy to learn and use, and the resulting videos look great.
Affording a low-risk way to practice, explore, learn and build communication skills.

nawmal has helped Vito, Ryan, Jonathan and Laura to say what they want to say.

Joseph would be happy to tell you - he just didn’t have a way. Now he does.

See if nawmal can help your student, your child, you.


  • As a communication aid
  • To create videos depicting Social Stories
  • To create Visual Schedules – task sequencing
  • As a communication aid
  • To create videos to illustrate social cues
  • To create videos to illustrate behaviors and interactions
  • To create videos modeling emotions tied to facial expressions and gestures
  • As a communication aid
  • To create videos to illustrate social cues
  • To create videos to illustrate behaviors and interactions
  • To create videos modeling emotions tied to facial expressions and gestures
  • To practice receptive and expressive language skills
  • Hear and repeat sentences
  • As an alternative way to communicate – can facilitate a significantly improved level of communication than the user might be capable of verbally.
  • To exercise and express creativity – an outlet for creativity and humor by create scenes, messages and stories.
  • To express frustrations – as an outlet for frustration, but also to more clearly communicate what is causing the frustration – before anxiety level mount, and helping others better understand the cause.
  • To show and conduct a conversation as an interaction between 2 users – each creating the dialogue for one of the characters.