Help develop essential communication skills
Here are some examples created by students, teachers, parents, and people with communication differences or challenges.
All using nawmal as an accessible, engaging and for some, enabling way of communicating their interests, frustrations, opinions, ideas, personality or identity.

The examples demonstrate the practising of valuable communication skills - while having fun creating videos.

Alternative communication - Finding your voice
Vito uses nawmal as a communication aid,
but also to express himself creatively,
and to express his frustrations.
This clearer communication helps his family better understand what is frustrating him.
Ryan creates stories about him and his friends at school.
He expresses his sense of humour in his videos.
Creating scenarios based on his experiences and things that he has seen at school.

Essential for some - Beneficial for all
student using nawmal

We're enormous fans of 9 year old Elizabeth. She created her movie as part of a school project on Pompeii. We think her video is excellent and we wanted to share it with you.

While frequently used to inject humor or an element of fun, Joel at Indian State University created a series of videos addressing the more serious topic of academic misconduct.
A fun project on ants, created by Mary, with her grand children Oliver and Chloe.

This video was created for a Dental Hygiene class project by Kristin.